Saturday, August 7, 2010

Baby Kaden

Press pause on the Florida pictures for a few days. My newest nephew, baby Kaden, is here!

There's not much else in the world I love more than when my sister Tiff has babies. They are the most scrumptious treat you can imagine. With Kaden, her fourth and final, I was free as a bird to spend lots of time with him and Tiff. No more glares and evil eyes from nurses like when I arrived at 1:00 in the morning from college to see her firstborn, Garrett.

This time I arrived at a normal hour, bearing Baby Gap and Cheesecake Factory cheesecake.

{Because sisters know.}

{Baby Kaden}

Tiff, thank you for sharing Kaden's first week with me! In addition to the joy of meeting him, this week felt like textbook definition of "sisters" to me. I believe the definition goes as follows:

A.) Be there for each other to celebrate the great joys and landmarks of life together.
B.) Fall madly in love with each others' babies and snuggle them endlessly.
C.) Laugh and cry together in the same sitting.
D.) Eat plenty of ice cream together, multiple times a day if necessary.

In this blog, I've talked some about trying to find and enjoy the small blessings in each day, even in the midst of a difficult season of life. It wasn't too hard to find them this week.

Before closing out this post, I thought you might enjoy seeing Kaden's brothers and sister welcoming him home.




"Babies are such a nice way to start people." -Don Herrold
I completely agree.

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