Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Red Velvet Valentine

Husband and I were able to settle at a Chinese restaurant last night for a couple hours before showing up for the rest of our regular and largely inescapable Tuesday night schedules.
I self-identify as a "day-of" person, so Valentine's day is Valentine's day.

Shifting celebratory days to common days somehow diminishes their intrinsic qualities for me, though I feel okay about red velvet pancakes any day that the calendar reads "February," or any event that pairs itself with red.

Red, February, sweets, dates, they all make up the in-crowd of the year's second month.
Since an early morning meeting didn't allow for our red velvet valentine tradition, you can imagine my relief that these are still a sweet little date to come.

These are the grown-up version of school valentines.


ilene @ muchloveilly said...

aw, cute post! love this. :)

Anonymous said...

Delish. Love this and love you. :)